RealSAM Pocket User Guide

June 4, 2024

Hello and Welcome!

RealSAM Pocket by RealThing Ai is your voice operated smartphone.

This user guide will help you to learn everything your new Pocket device can do! Select a topic to learn more:

  1. Quick Start
  2. About RealSAM Pocket
  3. Device Management - Settings
  4. Communication Features
  5. Entertainment Features
  6. Assistance Features
  7. Pocket Customer Portal
  8. List of Voice Commands
  9. Help & Support
  10. Terms and Conditions

Quick Start

The Quick Start section will help you to get started using your RealSAM Pocket.

Power On Pocket

To turn Pocket on, press and hold down the side button until it vibrates. Then lift your finger off the button. Pocket will start loading, this may take a moment. You will know the phone has completely loaded when you hear the welcome message.

How to Talk with Pocket

To start a conversation you need to let Pocket know it is time to start listening, to do this you need to use the Talk button. The Talk button is located on the bottom third of the touchscreen. When you are ready Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, you can ask a question or give a command like:

    What is the time?

For a full list of phrases to try, read the section of the user guide called:
  • Voice Commands
  • How to use Lists

    Pocket loves lists! Your options are typically listed in groups of five. To understand how lists work; Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Set speech speed

    Listen to your options. If you would like to hear the options again. Press the Talk button, then say:


    To make a selection from the list; Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say the options number or key words from the title like:

      Number 1


      Extremely fast

    Some lists have more than five options. To practice moving through a list. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Change Voice

    Pocket will list the voice options. To move to the next group of options say:


    To move back to the previous group of options say:

      Go Back

    You can then select the option you want. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone.Then, say the options number like:

      Number 2.

    Call a Phone Number

    Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say: Call followed by the phone number like:

      Call 123 456 7890

    Answer & End a Phone Call

    Pocket will announce who is calling. To answer the call:

      Press the Accept button.

      The Accept button is located on the bottom third of the touchscreen, and temporarily replaces the Talk button.

    To end a phone call:

      Press the Side button.

      The Side button is located on the right edge below the volume button.


      Press the red Hang Up button.

      Located on the bottom of the touchscreen.

    Create a Phone Contact

    Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Create contact


      Add contact.

    Pocket will ask you to say the contact name and phone number. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say your contact details like:

      Sam, 333 772 7708


      Miss Real, 301 547 7230

    Contact List

    Press the Talk button, wait for the tone.Then, say:

      My Contacts


      List Contacts

    Select the contact by saying the option number. Pocket will tell you the contact name and phone number, and give you the option to call, text, change name, change number or delete the contact.

    Call a Contact

    Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say Call, followed by the contacts name like:

      Call Sam

    Send a Text Message

    Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Send text


      Send message

    Pocket will ask who you want to send the message to. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say your contact name or a phone number like:



      123 456 7890

    Pocket will prompt you to say your message. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone, then say your message like:

      Hello Sam, how are you?

    Pocket will repeat your message and ask you to say: yes to send or say: no to cancel.

    Read and Reply to Text messages

    Pocket will notify you when you have received a text message. To read the message, Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Read Messages

    Pocket will list your messages starting with the most recent. Select the message you want to read using the options number like Number 1.

    After listening to the message say :


      Pocket will prompt you to say your message.

      Pocket will repeat your message and ask you to say: yes to send or say: no to cancel the message.

    News & Entertainment

    With Pocket you can read books, newspapers and magazines and listen to podcasts and radio stations . To browse the entertainment catalogs, Press the Talk button, wait for the tone.Then: For books, say: What books do you have? For newspapers, say: List newspapers For magazines, say: What magazines do you have? For podcasts, say: Listen to podcasts For radio stations, say: Listen to radio stations Pocket will then list options. Browse your options, then make a selection.

    For more tips and voice commands for entertainment please go to the Entertainment and Voice Command section.

    Battery Level

    Check your battery level. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:



      Check battery level.

      Pocket will reply with the battery level as a percentage out of 100.

    Change the Volume

    To change the volume use the physical volume button located on the right edge of the phone. Press the upper half of the button to increase the volume. Pocket will announce when you have reached the maximum volume. Press the lower half of the button to decrease the volume. Pocket will announce when you have reached the minimum volume.

    To learn more about features, voice commands and tips for using the touchscreen please continue reading the user guide.

    Back to the start

    About Pocket

    You will discover how to use your RealSAM Pocket.

  • What is in the box?
  • Device Layout
  • How to Turn Pocket ON and OFF
  • How to Charge Pocket & Check the Battery level
  • How to Talk with Pocket
  • How to use Lists
  • How to use the Touch-screen
  • How to use the Side button
  • Accessing the User Guide
  • Back to the start

    Whats in the Box

    Content List

    Your new Pocket device is ready to use straight out of the box and comes with:

    RealSAM Pocket device

    Your RealSAM Pocket is the most important and largest item in your box. A detailed description of the layout of your RealSAM Pocket can be found in the Device Layout section of the user guide.

    One-page Quick Start Guide

    The one-page Quick Start guide gives you some great tips for getting started with your Pocket. If you misplaced your one-page Quick Start guide, you can access a copy from our website

    The USB-C Cable

    You can charge your Pocket device using the USB-C charging cable.You will need a USB-C wall plug if you want to charge your phone using a traditional plug.

    Connect the smallest end of the charging cable into the socket on the bottom of your phone. The larger end can connect either into the plug or into your computer to charge your phone.

    If lost or broken, the charger and power cable can be replaced. Contact Customer Support for more information, phone: 0333 772 7708 or email:

    SIM card Tool

    The SIM card tool is made of wired metal, and is similar in size to a paperclip. The SIM card Tool is used to open the SIM card tray.


    Using a lanyard to wear your Pocket device is a great way to keep your hands free!

    The Lanyard comes with an attachment to secure your lanyard to your phone. This attachment is a durable tether to keep your phone secure. To use the lanyard you will first need to secure the attachment.

      Step 1 Wipe the back of your phone with a cloth to remove any dust

      Step 2 Then remove the film at the back of the attachment to reveal a sticky surface

      Step 3 Now place the sticky side on the back of your phone

    We recommend leaving the attachment to stick for 1 hour before use for best results.

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    Describing the Device

    Please hold the device in your hand with the glass touchscreen side facing up, and the rough side facing down. From here feel along the short edges of your device and identify the side which has the charging port, a small rectangular hole in the centre. This is the bottom edge of your device. Keeping the touchscreen faced up please rotate the device to make the bottom edge point towards yourself. You will now have your device oriented correctly.

    When the device is in use, the screen displays some status information. You do not need to see the screen at all to use this device. The screen can also be used as a touch screen for many functions. This is explained further throughout the User Guide in relevant sections.

    The front of your device

    The front of your device is one flat pane of glass with no physical buttons present. However your touchscreen does have a talk button, the talk button is the main button you will use when interacting with Pocket. This button is present in the bottom quarter of your touchscreen.

    To use Pocket tap this talk button once, and when you hear a rising tone, ask for what you want. When you hear a falling tone, and a tick tock sound, you will know that Pocket is collecting the information you asked for and will bring it to you soon.

    If you want to avoid accidentally pressing this talk button, for example when putting the device into a pocket or a bag, you can lock your device by holding down the lock button for approximately 3 seconds, after which your device will say: Locked. The lock button is the second button from the top on the right edge of your device. Once you have locked your device you will be unable to press the talk buttons, but you will still be able to use the volume buttons. If you want to unlock your device repeat the same process by holding down the lock button for approximately 3 seconds, your device will say unlocked. More information on this function is available in the Locking and unlocking your device section of the user guide.

    There is also another physical talk button on the left edge of your device.

    The left edge of your device

    On the left edge of your device there is one button. This button is another talk button. To use Pocket press this talk button once, and when you hear a rising tone, ask for what you want. When you hear a falling tone, and a tick tock sound, you will know that Pocket is collecting the information you asked for and will bring it to you soon.

    The right edge of your device

    On the right side of your device, there are 3 buttons. The top 2 buttons are used to control the volume. Pressing the upper button will turn the volume up, and pressing the lower will turn the volume down.

    Below the volume buttons is the Lock Button. To power the device on, hold the lock button down for about 2 seconds until you feel a small vibration. This vibration indicates that Pocket is powering up correctly. After 40 seconds or so, the device will announce that it is ready to speak with you. If you do not feel the vibration within 10 seconds, then try the sequence again. If you still get no response, your device may not be charged. Plug the device in and let it recharge before trying again. Once the device has turned on the lock button can be used to lock your device, preventing the talk buttons from being pressed accidentally. To lock your device hold down the lock button for approximately 3 seconds, your device will tell you that it is now locked. Once you have locked your device you will be unable to press the talk buttons, but you will still be able to use the volume buttons. If you want to unlock your device repeat this process by holding down the lock button for approximately 3 seconds, your device will tell you that it is unlocked. More information on this function is available in the Locking and unlocking your device section of the user guide.

    The bottom edge of your device

    In the middle of the bottom of your Pocket, there is the charging port. Plug your charging cable into the port and connect the other side to an electricity source to charge your device.

    To the far left of the charging port, there is a small hole. This one of two microphones with which Pocket listens to you if no headset is connected, the other is on the top edge of your device. Try not to cover these. If the device is having trouble understanding you, consider holding the device with one of the microphones close to your mouth for better results.

    To the right of the charging port, there is the speaker. If you are having trouble hearing Pocket make sure there is nothing covering the speaker. Also consider increasing the volume if needed.

    The top edge of your device

    On the top edge of your device there are two holes, one large and one small. The small hole on the right is one of the microphones with which Pocket listens to you if no headset is connected, the other is on the top edge of your device. Try not to cover these. If your device is having trouble understanding you, consider holding the device with one of the microphones close to your mouth for better results.

    To the left of the microphone there is a larger hole, this is a headset port. This is where you can connect your wired headset or headphones to listen with more privacy. When the headset is connected, you can use the button on the headset as the talk button, and communicate with your device through the built-in microphone on the headset. If you have locked your device, you will be unable to press the talk buttons, this includes the button on the headset.

    The back of your device

    If you rotate your device to have the back of the device facing you and the screen facing away from you, you will find a raised round glass component on the top left corner of the back panel. This is the camera. Below the camera there are two smaller unraised glass components, both of which are flashes for the camera.

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    How to Turn Pocket ON or OFF

    Power ON Pocket

    Turn Pocket ON:

      Step 1 Press and hold down the side button until it vibrates

      Step 2 Lift your finger off the button

      Step 3 Pocket will start loading, this may take a moment

      You will know the phone has completely loaded when you hear the welcome message.

    Helpful Tip

    If you do not feel a vibration within 10 seconds, try the sequence again. If you still have no response, the battery may be flat. Connect your phone to a charger, and when it is charged try again.

    Power OFF Pocket by Voice

    Turn Pocket OFF using your voice:

    First, Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Power OFF.

    Pocket will ask you to confirm that you want to power off.

    To power off press the talk button, or to cancel press the volume up button.

    Power OFF using the Touchscreen

    Turn Pocket OFF using the Touchscreen:

      Step 1 Open the main menu by using an L gesture

      Pocket will open the touchscreen menu and say: Showing Main Menu.

      Step 2 Use the slide & lift gesture to select Power OFF

      A new touchscreen menu will open, with the option to confirm power off or cancel.

      Step 3 Use the slide & lift gesture to select Power OFF

    Power OFF Setting

    The power OFF setting provides two choices for confirming power off.

    Option 1 | Power OFF behaviour Unconfirmed

    Pocket will announce that it is powering off and you will hear some beeps. Press the talk button during the beeps to cancel the power off sequence.

    Option 2 | Power OFF behaviour Confirmed

    Pocket will ask you to confirm that you want to power off. To power off press the talk button, or to cancel press the volume up button.

    To change the Power OFF setting:

      Step 1 Open the main menu by using an L gesture

      Step 2 Use the slide & lift gesture to select Settings

      Step 3 Slide your finger until you hear Power OFF behaviour

      Pocket will read out your current power OFF behaviour.

      Step 4 To change the power OFF behaviour use the slide & lift gesture to select Power OFF behaviour

    Back to the start

    How to Charge Pocket

    Connecting the Charging Cable

    You can charge your Pocket device using either the traditional plug or USB-C charging cable.

      Step 1 Connect the smallest end of the charging cable into the socket on the bottom of your phone.

      Step 2 Connect the larger end into the charging plug or into your computer to charge your phone

    Both the charger and the cable can be replaced if they are faulty. Contact RealSAM Customer Support for more information.

    Check the Battery level

    To check the Battery:

    Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      What is the battery level?


      Check battery level



    Your Pocket will announce the battery level when disconnected from a charger.

    Pocket will always let you know when your battery level is very low.

    Helpful Tip

    Your Pocket device can be left charging all day without damaging it. You may prefer to charge Pocket whilst relaxing and listening to a book or music

    Back to the start

    How to Talk with Pocket

    To start a conversation you need to let Pocket know it is time to start listening, to do this you need to use the Talk button.

    The Talk button is located on the bottom third of the touchscreen. It is a very large rectangular button labelled with Press to Talk. When you place your finger anywhere on the Talk button it will show it has been selected by changing colour and playing the talk tone.

    Now you know where the button is located you can start a conversation!

    First, Press the Talk button. Then, wait until you hear the Talk tone.

    After the tone has sounded, you can ask a question or give a command like:

      What time is it?


      Add new contact.

    You may hear a Thinking tone, after you ask a question or give a command. The thinking tone indicates that Pocket is processing information.

    Pocket will respond with an answer like:

    The time is 4 PM;


    Ask for more information, like: Please say the name or number for the contact.

    To reply to a question Pocket asked just Press the Talk button before you speak!

    To end a conversation with Pocket. First, Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:




    Pocket will confirm that the conversation has ended. If you double Press the Talk Button Pocket may give an Error tone. The error tone indicates that Pocket has stopped processing your command.

    Helpful Tip

    Sometimes, Pocket may misunderstand what you have said. To help Pocket understand, try speaking a little bit slower or emphasising the pronunciation. This can help Pocket to identify the word you have said.

    Back to the start

    Navigating Lists

    Pocket loves lists! Your options are typically listed in groups of five, which can help you to find what you want quickly!

    Make a Selection from a List

    Using numbers

    Select an option from a list using the option number. For example if you Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Set speech speed

    Pocket will start listing your options, like: I can speak in many ways. 1. This is me speaking slowly; 2.This is my normal speech speed; 3. This is me speaking fast; 4. This is me speaking very fast; 5. This is me speaking extremely fast.

    To select This is me speaking slowly from the list using the option number. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Number 1

    To select This is me speaking from the list using the options number; Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Number 3

    Using keywords

    To select an option from a list using keywords. For example if you Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Set speech speed.

    Pocket will start listing your options, like: I can speak in many ways. 1. This is me speaking slowly; 2.This is my normal speech speed; 3. This is me speaking fast; 4. This is me speaking very fast; 5. This is me speaking extremely fast.

    To select option 4 using keywords: Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Very fast.

    To select option 2 using keywords: Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:


    While Pocket is listing options, you can make a selection by interrupting Pocket on the option you want, by tapping the Talk button. For example Pocket said: This is your contact list initial 5 of 35 1. Alice 2. Andy.

    Then, you interrupt by Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      That one



    Pocket will then select Andy. Please be aware that you must Press the Talk button quickly, to interrupt. As Pocket may select the next item in the list if there is a delay.

    Hear the List Again

    Ask Pocket to repeat the list. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:



      Say that again.

    Navigate Lists

    To move forward in the list when there are more than five options. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:




    To move to the previous group of options in the list. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:



      Go Back.

    To move forward in the list by a specified number of options. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Jump forward 25

    Helpful Tip

    You can say any number of options, but it must be smaller than the total number of options listed. For example if Pocket said, listing first 5 of 35; you can only jump forward by 30 or any number smaller than 30.

    To move backward in the list by a specified number of options. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Jump back 10


      Jump backward 10

    Search through a List

    To find an option that starts with a specific letter. Say a command that includes the phrase, Next starting with.

    For example if you wanted to find a contact starting with the letter G you would: Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Next starting with G

    Pocket will find the next option in the list starting with the letter G. Please be aware that when searching by, Next starting with, the results exclude words like, The, or A. It is also important to note that the words starting with are crucial to search this way.

    To search through the list using a keyword, say a command that includes the phrase Next containing followed by your key word.

    For example if you were searching for a contact named James Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Next containing James

    It is important to note that the Next containing command can only be used to search for whole words, not for letters.

    Exit a List

    Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:






    Helpful Tip

    Pocket remembers the last conversation you were having. This means that if you did not make a selection during your last interaction Pocket may repeat the list again when you next use your phone. If you do not want to make a selection, use an exit command like Cancel

    Back to the start


    How to use a Touchscreen

    A touchscreen is a display that is responsive to human touch.

    You can use your Pocket touchscreen to open the main menu and do things like choose a ringtone.

    To use the touchscreen you will need to use touchscreen gestures.

    Touchscreen gestures are actions or a pattern of movement used to interact with Pocket. The gestures you can use are: Tap, Double Tap, Slide & Lift, and the L gesture.

    How To Make Gestures

      Tap: Quickly place your finger on the screen then lift it off the screen.

      Double Tap: Quickly place your finger on the screen then lift it off, then place your finger back on the screen and quickly lift it off.

      Slide & Lift: Place your finger on the screen, then keep your finger on the screen, slide it up, down, right or left. When you hear the option you want, lift your finger off the screen this confirms the selection.

      L Gesture: Place your finger on the top left corner of your screen. Keeping your finger on the screen, slide it down towards the bottom left corner. Then, slide your finger across to the bottom right corner. Now, lift your finger off the screen. Pocket will open the touchscreen menu and say: Showing Main Menu.

    Importantly, when touching the screen Pocket will always announce your options. When you make a selection using a gesture Pocket will provide feedback through voice or tone to confirm your choice. If Pocket did not recognise the selection you will be given the advice No action.

    Touchscreen: Main Menu

    To open the Main Menu use the L gesture.

    Pocket will open the touchscreen menu and say: Showing Main Menu.

    The main menu has the following options:

    To select an option from the Main Menu use the slide & lift gesture.

    Pocket will announce if another touchscreen menu has opened by saying Showing followed by the menus name like Showing Settings menu.

    Use the slide & Lift gesture to make any further selections.

    Then, select Done to exit the Main Menu and return to the Home Screen to use the Talk button.

    Please be aware that the Talk button does not work while the Main Menu is open.

    Back to the start

    How to Use the Side button

    The Side button is a multipurpose button and can be used to turn Pocket on, reject and hang-up a phone call and lock or unlock the touchscreen.

    Reject or Hang-Up a Phone Call

    When a phone call is received Pocket will announce who is calling.

    If you do not want to answer the call, press the Side button quickly.

    At the end of a phone call you can end the phone call by pressing the Side button quickly.

    Helpful Tip

    It is important to press the Side button quickly because if you hold it down you could activate the lock screen.

    Locking and Unlocking Pocket

    The lock function allows you to Lock and Unlock the touchscreen of your device. This can be helpful to prevent accidentally hitting the Talk buttons when carrying your Pocket device in a bag or a pocket.

    To lock your device, press and hold the side button for approximately 3 seconds, or until you hear locked and the screen display will dim.

    You will no longer be able to Press the Talk button or use the touchscreen. However, when your device is locked you are still able to change the volume using the volume button.

    Your Pocket can be locked using your voice. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then say:

    Lock screen

    To unlock your device, hold the side button down for approximately 3 seconds, or until you hear unlocked. You will now be able to use all the features available on your Pocket device.

    Helpful Tip

    The screen lock function can be really useful for when you want to listen to entertainment through a headset, and leave Pocket in your bag. Just ask Pocket to start playing a book, podcast, newspaper or radio. Then lock your device by holding down the Side button until you hear Locked.

    Back to the start

    Accessing the User Guide

    There are two ways to access this user guide, either using the touchscreen or using your voice. If you have locked your device, you will need to unlock it, by holding down the side button, until you hear unlocked, to access the user guide.

    Accessing the user guide with your voice

    To access the user guide using your voice. First, Press, Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say: user guide. Pocket will let you know that it is reading the user guide, and then list the sections or topics for you to choose from. To choose one of these sections you can interrupt the listing. To do this Press, Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:and say yes or that one, or, after the listing has finished you could, for example, say number one to select the first item in the list.

    If at any point you want to go back a step or return to where you just came from, say go back.

    Accessing the user guide via the touchscreen

    You can access the user guide using the touchscreen on your device. To do this you must first access the touchscreen menu by drawing a large L with your finger along the edge of your screen, starting from the top left corner and ending at the bottom right.

    Once you have opened the touchscreen menu you can slowly slide your finger up and down the screen until you hear the option user guide. Lift your finger off the screen to select it. Your device will then tell you that it is showing the user guide.

    After this your device will have a list of sections for you to choose from on the screen. You can listen to the titles of these sections by sliding your finger up and down the screen, and then you can select one by lifting your finger off the screen.

    If you want to go back up a level to the options you previously had, slide your finger up and down the screen until you hear done or back and lift your finger off to select it. To exit the touchscreen menu, you will need to go back a number of times by selecting these done or back options. When you exit the touchscreen menu your device will say exiting menu.

    For more help advice, Press the Talk button. Then, say: Help.

    Back to the start

    Device Management

    Learn how to personalise your RealSAM Pocket and tips for managing your device.

    Select a topic to learn more:

  • Phone Call Settings
  • Audio Settings
  • Screen Display Settings
  • WiFi Settings
  • Bluetooth Settings
  • Device Information
  • Battery Management
  • Mobile Data Management
  • Back to the start

    Phone Call Settings

    Select a Ringtone

    Your Pocket device has a number of ringtones for you to choose from.

    To change the Ringtone using the touchscreen:

      Step 1 Open the Main Menu using the L gesture

      Step 2 Use the slide & lift gesture to select Settings

      Step 3 Use the slide & lift gesture to select Change Ringtone.

      Step 4 Run your finger up and down the Ringtone choices and Pocket will announce the ringtones name. When you release your finger Pocket will select the Ringtone and play it for you.

      Step 5 Select Done when you are finished. This is located at the bottom of the screen and will take you back up to the settings menu.

      Step 6 Select Done twice more to exit the Touch Screen Menu.

    Helpful Tip

    To move through the ringtone options select the Next Page or Previous Page on the touchscreen list.

    Set Ring Volume

    To change the Ring Volume using the touchscreen:

      Step 1 Open the Main Menu using the L gesture

      Step 2 Use the slide & lift gesture to select Settings

      Step 3 Use the slide & lift gesture to select Ring Volume.

      Step 4 Run your finger up and down the volume choices, then release to select a volume level.

      Step 5 Select Done when finished, which is at the bottom of the screen. This will take you back up to the settings menu.

      Step 6 Select Done twice more to exit the Touch Screen Menu.

    Loudspeaker Setting

    The loudspeaker setting gives you the option to start all your phone calls with the loudspeaker ON or OFF.

    To turn the loudspeaker ON or OFF:

      Step 1 Open the Main Menu using the L gesture

      Step 2 Use the slide & lift gesture to select Settings

      The loudspeaker option on the Settings menu is a toggle button. This means the same button is used to turn the loudspeaker ON or OFF.

      You will hear either Enable start call on speaker, or Disable start call on speaker.

      Step 3 If you lift your finger off, enable start call on speaker you will then hear Start call on speaker enabled. The loudspeaker will be turned ON for all phone calls.

      Step 4 If you lift your finger off Disable start call on speaker you will then hear Start call on speaker disabled. The loudspeaker will be turned OFF for all phone calls.

      Step 5 To return to the main menu from the settings menu select Done. Then, return to your home screen from the main menu select Done, you will now be able to use the Talk button

    Helpful Tip

    The loudspeaker can still be turned ON or OFF during a phone call using the touchscreen dial pad for more information go to the Communication section of this guide.

    Extend Ring Time

    You can extend the time your RealSAM Pocket will ring for. This can be useful if you find that your Pocket device is not ringing for long enough, and you are missing calls.

    Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Extend ring
    Back to the start

    Audio Settings

    Audio Settings on your Pocket device can be customised to suit your needs. Some audio settings can be adjusted using the volume buttons or touchscreen menu, while others can be set using your voice.

    Media Volume

    Media Volume is the volume of all media being played, including books and the voice of RealSAM. There are two ways to change the Media Volume.

    Change Media Volume using the Volume button: On the right side of your device there are three buttons, the two buttons closest to the top are the volume buttons. Press the upper of these two buttons to turn the volume up. Press the lower of these two buttons to turn the volume down.

    Change Media Volume using the Touch-screen:

      Step 1 Open the Main Menu using the L gesture

      Step 2 Use the slide & lift gesture to select Settings

      The settings menu will open.

      Step 3 Use the slide & lift gesture to select Set Media Volume

      Your options for Media volume will be displayed from level four to level ten.

      Step 4 Use the slide & lift gesture to the listen to the media levels

      Step 5 Make a selection using the slide & lift gesture

      Pocket will confirm the volume level that was selected.

      Step 6 Use the slide & lift gesture to select Done to return to the Settings menu. To return to the Main Menu select Done until you hear Exiting Main Menu. You will now be able to use the Talk button

    Change Pocket Speech Speed

    To change the speech speed. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Set speech speed
    Pocket will play a sample of each speech speed. To hear the options again Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:
    Next, choose one of the speeds. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say the number like
      Number 3.

    To increase the speech speed incrementally, that is by one level at a time. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Speak faster
    To decrease the speech speed incrementally. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:
      Speak slower
    To move to a specific speech level. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:
      Speak slowly


      Speak normally


      Speak fast


      Speak very fast


      Speak extremely fast

    Change Pocket Voice

    Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Change Voice
    Pocket will list all the voices you can use. To navigate the list. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:


      Go back.

    To make a selection. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say an option number like:
      Number 4


      Number 5

    To exit voice selection Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:


    It is important to note that the voice you select will be used for menus and text based books, but not for audio recordings of a human voice.

    The introductory voice when you start up Pocket is pre-recorded, so it cannot be changed.

    Back to the start

    Screen Display Settings

    Screen Brightness

    To change the brightness of the display screen. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say one of these phrases:
      Screen very bright

      Screen bright

      Screen brighter

      Screen more bright

      Screen less bright

      Dim screen

      Screen dim

      Screen very dim

      Screen darker

      Screen very dark

      Dark screen

    Helpful Tip

    The brighter the display screen the more power your Pocket will use.

    Auto Dim

    The Auto Dim setting is used to set the length of time before your screen will go dark after you stop using it. Dimming your screen can help save battery.

    To adjust the Auto Dim setting:

      Step 1 Open the touchscreen Main Menu using the L gesture

      Step 2 Use the slide & lift gesture to select Settings

      The Settings menu will open

      Step 3 Use the slide & lift gesture to select Auto Dim

      The Auto Dim menu has options for the dimness level, which is how dark your screen becomes; and, the length of time the device must be inactive for before the screen dims.

      Step 4 Use the slide & lift gesture to set your Auto Dim level or length of time.

      Pocket will confirm your selection

      Step 5 Use the slide & lift gesture to select done to exit the menu exiting menu

    Helpful Tip

    For tips for using the touchscreen and gestures, please refer to the About Pocket section of the user guide and choose the topic Touchscreen .

    If you have locked your device, your screen will automatically be very dim. For more information, please refer to the About Pocket section of the user guide and choose the topic Locking and Unlocking your device.

    Back to the start

    WiFi Settings

    Connecting your Pocket device to a WiFi network is a great way to stay connected and save your mobile data.

    Connect to WiFi by Voice

      Step 1 Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      WiFi Settings


      Configure WiFi

      The WiFi touchscreen menu will open.

      Step 2 Use the slide & lift gesture to select your preferred network

      If the network you have selected is password protected Pocket will open a touchscreen keypad to enter the password

      Step 3 Use the slide & lift gesture to select the letters, numbers or symbols required for your password

      For more guidance for entering a password read How to enter a password.

      Step 4 Use the slide & lift gesture to select Done

      Step 5 Pocket will tell you if you have successfully connected to the network

      Step 6 If your password was incorrect the list of networks will reopen. Select the network you want then re-enter the password

    Helpful Tip

    If you are on a mobile plan, or if you are already connected to a WiFi network, you can still set up a new WiFi network.

    Connect to a WiFi network using the Touchscreen

    You can use the screen on the front of the device to connect to WiFi. To do this, open the touchscreen menu by drawing a large L on your screen, select Settings, then select Configure WiFi and follow the instructions provided by the device.

    Connect to a WiFi network using the device buttons

    If you are not connected to any mobile or WiFi network, then you will need to enter WiFi configuration manually:

    Next the device will announce that there is a list of available WiFi networks on the screen.

    How to enter a Password

    If the network you have selected is password protected, then another screen will appear. On this screen is a grid of lower case letters near the top, symbols in the middle, and uppercase letters near the bottom.

      Step 1 Place your finger near the top left corner of the screen, and slowly move your finger across the screen. Pocket will read out the letters and symbols as your finger passes them on the grid.

      Step 2 You can move your finger around the grid as many times as you like until you hear the letter or symbol that you want.

      Step 3 When you hear the letter or symbol, lift your finger to select it, and in this way you will spell out the password.

      Step 4 Select the Read button, which is located near the top of your screen. When you press this button Pocket will read back to you what you have typed.

    Useful Keypad buttons:

      Cancel button located near the bottom left corner of the screen, will cancel entering the password and return to Home.

      QWERTY button located near the bottom of the screen positioned in the centre. This button allows you to switch a standard Q W E R T Y keyboard format. If you select this button, your screen will change to a landscape lowercase QWERTY keyboard. You can use this keyboard layout in the same way as normal by slowly moving your finger around the screen, and lifting your finger off the screen to select the option you want.

      Done located near the bottom of the screen on the right. Use this button when you are ready to submit the password you have entered.

      Delete button located above the cancel button, will remove the last character you entered.

      Move left and Move right are located to the right of the Cancel button. These buttons allow you to move left or right of a character in the text you have typed. After selecting one of the move buttons, the device will tell you what character it has selected, you can then press the delete button to delete that character, or choose another character to insert it to the left of the selected one.

    When you have entered the password, select Done button to join the network. If the password is correct, Pocket will confirm that you are connected to the WiFi network.

    Reconnect to a known WiFi Network

    Once Pocket has successfully connected to a WiFi network, it will remember it, and automatically reconnect to that network within range. You can save multiple WiFi networks. You could have one at home, one at work, one at your favourite cafe.

    Helpful Tip

    Pocket cannot connect to WiFi networks that require that the password is entered through a web page, such as many restaurants and other commercial establishments are currently using. If you connect to one of these, and Pocket is not responding, you should forget this network to prevent connection to it in future. How to do this is described in the Forget section of this article.

    Forget a WiFi Network

    To forget a WiFi network, and stop Pocket connecting to it in future, you will first need to enter WiFi configuration. To do this you can either, say configure WiFi, or, hold the talk button for 10 seconds to enter WiFi configuration, or use the touchscreen menu and navigate to settings and then to configure wifi. Once you have done this Pocket will display a list of WiFi networks on the touchscreen, at the bottom of the list is a Forget button. Slowly slide your finger down the screen until you hear Forget a network and lift your finger to select this option. Pocket will then display a list of networks which you can forget, slowly slide your finger around the touchscreen until you hear the network that you wish to forget and lift your finger to select it.

    Pocket will then confirm that it has forgotten the network you selected and will bring you back to the WiFi configuration window.

    Turn WiFi Access ON or OFF

    To turn off WiFi access that is the ability for your phone to connect to a WiFi network.

      First, Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Disable WiFi

    To turn WiFi access on:

      Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Enable WiFi

    Back to the start


    Your Pocket device can be connected to a wide variety of Bluetooth devices. This may be a hearing aid, a headset with microphone or a wireless speaker to help you enjoy listening to a book.

    To get started, first turn on Bluetooth. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then say:

      Enable bluetooth

    To connect a new Bluetooth device:

      Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then say:

      Pair Bluetooth

    Your Pocket device will then scan for available Bluetooth devices and list them for you, you can choose from this list to pair a new device.

    You can also manage the devices you have previously connected to:

      Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then say:

      Manage Bluetooth

    Your device will read you a list of all your previously connected Bluetooth devices, you can choose an item from this list and either: connect to the device, or forget the device.

    You can turn off your Bluetooth connection at any time:

      Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then say:

      Disable Bluetooth.

    Use the Sighted Assistance Menu to pair and manage Bluetooth devices.

      Step 1 Open the Main Menu using the L gesture.

      Step 2 Use the slide & lift gesture to select Sighted Menu

      The Sighted Assistance Menu will open.

      Step 3 Use the slide & lift gesture to select Visual Bluetooth Settings

      Pocket will tell you the bluetooth menu has opened. Please remember that this menu is part of the Sighted Assistance menu and does not have accessibility features like screen reading.

      Step 4 Slide the toggle button to the right to turn ON Bluetooth

      Step 5 Tap the device from the list you want to connect to.

      Your Pocket will connect to the device.

      Step 6 Tap

    Helpful Tip

    Non-audio Bluetooth devices like keyboards, cannot be connected to Pocket.

    Back to the start

    Device Settings

    The Device Settings provide information about the current status of your device. This information can be helpful when talking with the RealSAM support team.

    To determine network connections and signal strength:

    Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Network status
    To find what version of the Pocket software is running.

      Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      To get the latest software:

      Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

        Upgrade device.

      Pocket usually updates itself, checking every 4 hours.

    To get your I M E I number, SIM, WiFi information and signal strength:

    Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Device info.

    Back to the start

    How to Charge Pocket

    Connecting the Charging Cable

    You can charge your Pocket device using either the traditional plug or USB-C charging cable.

      Step 1 Connect the smallest end of the charging cable into the socket on the bottom of your phone.

      Step 2 Connect the larger end into the charging plug or into your computer to charge your phone

    Both the charger and the cable can be replaced if they are faulty. Contact RealSAM Customer Support for more information.

    Check the Battery level

    To check the Battery:

    Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      What is the battery level?


      Check battery level



    Your Pocket will announce the battery level when disconnected from a charger.

    Pocket will always let you know when your battery level is very low.

    Helpful Tip

    Your Pocket device can be left charging all day without damaging it. You may prefer to charge Pocket whilst relaxing and listening to a book or music

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    Managing your Mobile Data

    When you are not connected to Wifi, interactions you have with Pocket will use up some of your data. This is true regardless of if you have purchased a data plan from us or if you have arranged your own.

    Thus, to avoid running out of data we highly recommend connecting to Wifi networks in places you frequent, like your home, your work, or even your favourite cafe!

    For more information on how to connect to a Wifi network, see the

  • Wifi configuration
  • section of the user guide for more information on how to do this.
    Back to the start


    You can use Pocket to make phone calls and send messages. The Communications section of the user guide will help you learn how to do this, as well as how to, set up your contacts list, leave and receive voicemails and use the dial pad while in a call. Some articles on how these features work are listed below:

  • Working with Contacts
  • Phone Calls - Making, Answering and Returning them
  • Using Tones While on a Call
  • Voicemail
  • Messages
  • WhatsApp
  • Back to the start

    Working with Contacts

    Pocket can create and manage contacts in a variety of ways. Creating contacts makes using the phone and messaging capabilities easier. Pocket can store contact names and telephone numbers, not addresses or other information.

    Creating Contacts by Voice

    To create new contacts using your voice you will need to:

    When you are more accustomed with this feature you could say something like New contact James 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 all at once.

    Creating Contacts from calls made or received

    To create contacts using your call log you will need to:

    Creating Contacts using the Customer Portal

    Pocket has an online portal where you can access and add to your contact list using a computer. To use this portal you will need to log in to an account specific to you, in order to get your login details you will need to:

    Creating Assistance Contacts

    Using Pocket you can create assistance contacts. In the event of an emergency, when you Press the Talk Button and say Make assistance call these contacts will be alerted, and told you are in need of assistance.

    To create a new assistance contact, you will need to:

    Alternatively, if you want to make an existing contact into an assistance contact, you will need to rename the contact, so that the word assistance comes before the name. To do this:

    Pocket will read out the new details of your contact for you.

    Changing Contact Names

    To change the name of an existing contact you will need to:

    Pocket will then read out the new contact information to you.

    Helpful tip: If Pocket is having trouble hearing the name that you are saying, instead of speaking the name, in step 4, you can Press the Talk Button, wait for the tone. Then, say keyboard to bring up the onscreen keyboard, and use the slide and lift gesture to type out the name more accurately. For more information on how to use the touchscreen please refer to the How to use a Touchscreen section of the user guide.

    Alternatively you can also edit your contacts using the portal website.

    Changing Contact Phone Numbers

    To change the phone number of an existing contact, you will need to:

    Alternatively you can also edit your contacts using the portal website.

    Deleting contacts

    If you have accidentally created multiple contacts for the same person, or if you just want to clean up your contacts list, you may want to delete a contact.

    To delete a contact you will need to:

    Finding Contacts Using Your Voice

    Pocket can keep a list of contacts for you. In order to access these contacts you will need to:

    Finding Contacts Using the Customer Portal

    It is also possible for you to view your contacts list via the Pocket online portal.

    To access this portal go to the customer portal and use your personal login details to log in.

    If you do not already know your login details, Press the Talk button, wait for the tone then, ask Pocket What is my Portal Login.

    Once you have logged in to the portal, to access your contact list you will need to:

    You can also use this page to edit, delete, or add contacts to your contacts list. For more information on how to do this please refer to the Pocket Customer Portal section of the user guide.

    Back to the start

    Phone Calls

    Using Pocket you can make and answer phone calls. This section gives a quick overview of all the features for using the phone call function.

    Answering Calls

    To answer a call you can either:

    Press the physical Talk button to answer.


    Use the touchscreen to answer. To accept a call, slide your finger around slowly near the bottom of your touchscreen, and when Pocket says Accept, lift your finger off the screen to do so.

    Hanging up and Rejecting Calls

    To Reject an incoming phone call, or hang up an ongoing phone call you can:

    You can also hang up an ongoing call using the touchscreen. To do this:

    Calling a Contact Using Your Voice

    To call an existing contact using your voice:

    Helpful tip: you will need to have wifi or data connection to make calls using your voice. However if you are in an area without wifi or data, you can still use the touchscreen menu to make calls.

    Calling a Contact Using The Touchscreen

    To call an existing contact using your touchscreen you will need to:

    Helpful tip: If you have a lot of contacts, you may have to look through multiple pages of contacts by using the slide & lift gesture to select the next or previous buttons.

    For more information on how to use touchscreen gestures please refer to the How to use a touchscreen section of the user guide.

    Calling a Phone Number Using Your Voice

    To call a phone number using your voice:

    Helpful tip: you will need to have wifi or data connection to make calls using your voice. However if you are in an area without wifi or data, you can still use the touchscreen menu to make calls.

    Calling a Phone Number Using The Touchscreen

    To call a Phone Number using your touchscreen you will need to:

    For more information on how to use touchscreen gestures please refer to the How to use a touchscreen section of the user guide.

    Redialing Calls

    Pocket will remember the phone number you have most recently dialed, if you want to ring this number again:

    Helpful tip: You can also access a list of your recent outgoing calls. To do this say Recent outgoing calls. You will be able to select any of your recent calls, and either, call that number again, or, if the number is not in your contacts, create a contact for that number.

    Returning Calls

    Pocket logs the calls you make and receive, so you can easily return calls.

    You can get lists of your previous calls. To do this Press the Talk Button, wait for the tone. Then say Recent incoming calls or Recent outgoing calls.

    To return a recent call:

    Alternatively if you want to return your most recent incoming call, you can say Return call.

    In either of these situations, if a caller is not already a contact, Pocket will ask you if you want to call this person or add them as a contact.

    Making assistance calls

    You can ask Pocket to call your designated Assistance contact from your contact list. Importantly, Assistance Calls should not be used in place of calling Emergency Services such as 999 or 111.

    To make an assistance call:

    For more information on how to make assistance contacts, please refer to the Creating assistance contacts article in the Working with contacts section of the user guide.

    Back to the start

    Using the Dial Pad on a Call

    The on-screen Dial Pad can be used during a call to do a few different things. It can be used to enter numbers, for example when an organisation asks you to choose options from a voice menu by selecting numbers. It can also be used to turn on and off loudspeaker mode, mute and unmute your microphone, and hang up the call.

    Using the Dial Pad to Enter Numbers During a Call

    To use the dial pad to enter numbers during a call you will need to use the touchscreen. To do this:

    For more information on how to use touchscreen gestures, please refer to the How to use a touchscreen section of the user guide.

    Turning Speaker Mode ON or OFF During Calls

    To turn speaker mode ON or OFF during a phone call you can:

    Turning Your Microphone ON and OFF During Calls

    During a phone call, you might want to turn off your microphone temporarily so that the other person cannot hear you. To turn your microphone on or off you can:

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    Your Pocket device has a Voicemail service. To access your Voicemail system with ease we suggest you create a Voicemail contact.

    You will first have to find the voicemail phone number of your mobile carrier. Then you can create a contact called Voicemail. by doing the following:

    While using the Voicemail system you may need to use the dial pad to select an option. To do this, place your finger on the touchscreen, and use the slide & lift gesture to select the numbers you want. For more information on how to use touchscreen gestures, please refer to the How to use a touchscreen section of the user guide.

    More information on how to use the dial pad and other features of phone calls are detailed in the Phone calls, making, answering and returning them and Using tones while on a call sections of the user guide.

    Helpful tip: If you ask Pocket to Call Voicemail when there is no existing voicemail contact, your device will tell you that this is the case, and give you a brief set of instructions on how to set up a Voicemail contact.

    Back to the start


    Pocket can send and receive text messages just by using your voice.

    Sending a Text Message by using your Voice

    You can use Pocket to send text messages to existing contacts, or to phone numbers.

    To send a text to a contact:

    To send a text to a number:

    You will then be asked to speak the message, that is, dictate it. Pocket will then replay it to you, and you will be asked if you want to send it.

    To answer this question Press the Talk Button, wait for the tone. Then say one of the following:

    Reading Text Messages by Using Your Voice

    To read text messages that you have received:

    Helpful tips: If you miss anything, you can also get Pocket to read out the message to you again. To do this Press the Talk Button, wait for the tone. Then, say Read again.

    If you accidentally select the wrong message, you can always Press the Talk Button, wait for the tone. Then, say list to get Pocket to list all the messages again.

    Replying to Text Messages Using Your Voice

    To respond to a text message that you have received:

    Deleting Text Messages

    To delete text messages:
    Back to the start


    WhatsApp is an App that allows you to connect with other people who have WhatsApp. Real SAM friendly features are available with WhatsApp, and support making and receiving WhatsApp voice and video calls.

    You also have the option to use the App with a Screen Reader. The Screen Reader will read the screen when you slide your finger over text and buttons. If you decide to use the Screen Reader the RealSAM Talk button will not work, as the Android Apps have been developed externally.

    The following will help you get started using the Real SAM friendly features of WhatsApp

    Joining WhatsApp

    In order to use WhatsApp, you will first need to register and set up your WhatsApp account. To do this:

      Step 1. Press the Talk button, and wait for the tone.

      Step 2. Say: Join WhatsApp or Register WhatsApp

      Pocket will ask you to accept the WhatsApp Terms & Conditions.

      Step 3. Press the Talk button, and wait for the tone. Then Say: Accept

      Pocket will ask you to confirm your choice.

      Step 4. Press the Talk button, and wait for the tone. Then Say: Confirm

      Pocket will ask you for your name and phone number. Importantly the phone number given must be for your Pocket, and given with the international code, for the UK this is +44.

      Step 5. Press the Talk button, and wait for the tone. Then say: Your Name

      Step 6. Press the Talk button, and wait for the tone. Then say: Your Phone number, with the international code

      Pocket will read back the name and number for your profile, and ask you to confirm that they are correct.

      Step 7. Say Yes to confirm, or Go back to cancel.

    Pocket will then start registration, you will hear Starting WhatsApp Registration, this may take a few minutes you will not be able to use your device during registration. During registeration a phone call will be made to verify your account. Pocket will announce The call was ended. If registration was successful you will hear WhatsApp Registration Successfully completed.

    If registration is unsucessful repeat steps 1 to 7. If registration is still unsuccessful, you can use the screen reader to register yourself manually, to do this Press the Talk button, wait for the tone then say: Open WhatsApp. For more information on how to use the Screen Reader, please refer to the Access Android Apps section of the user guide.

    Add a WhatsApp contact

    WhatsApp contacts are added based on your existing contacts list. This means, after you register, if any of your saved phone contacts have a WhatsApp account they will automatically be added to your WhatsApp contact list.

    It is important to note, you will only be able to make a Whatsapp contact for people who also have a WhatsApp account.

    If you need to add a new Whatsapp contact, you can do this by adding a phone contact and then updating your WhatsApp contact list. To do this:

      Step 1. Say Add contact

      Step 2. Say the name for the contact, e.g. Charles

      Step 3. Say the phone number for the contact, e.g. 0 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

      Step 4. Once the contact has been saved, say Cancel

      Step 5. Say Update Contacts

    Once you have completed these steps you should be able to make and receive WhatsApp calls and messages from this contact.

    WhatsApp calls

    There are two types of WhatsApp calls, Voice calls and Video calls. To make either type of call, you must first have registered for WhatsApp, and have a valid WhatsApp contact on your device.

    To make a WhatsApp Voice call:

    Say, Make a WhatsApp call to followed by the name, or number, of your contact. For example Make a WhatsApp call to Charles, or, Make a WhatsApp call to 0 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8.

    Pocket will alert you that it is making the call, and begin ringing your contact.

    To hang up the WhatsApp call, you can either press the side button, or, press the red Hang up button located near the bottom of your screen.

    To make a WhatsApp Video call:

    Say, Make a WhatsApp Video call to followed by the name, or number, of your contact. For example Make a Whatsapp Video call to Charles.

    Pocket will alert you that it is making the call, and begin ringing your contact. Please note, video calls start using your front camera, so you may want to hold your device out in front of you so that the person you are calling can see you properly.

    To hang up the WhatsApp call, press the side button, or the red Hang up button near the bottom of your screen.

    Receive a WhatsApp call:

    When you receive a WhatsApp call, your device will ring as it normally does for a phone call, but additionally Pocket will announce to you that is either a WhatsApp video call or a WhatsApp voice call.

    To answer the call, press the Accept button near the bottom of your screen.

    To reject the call, press the side button.

    WhatsApp messaging

    You can send WhatsApp messages to your WhatsApp contacts using your voice. To send a message:

      Step 1. Say, Send a WhatsApp message or Write a WhatsApp message or WhatsApp message

      Step 2. Pocket will ask you who you want to send a message to, say the name or number of the contact.

      Step 3. When Pocket prompts you, Press the talk button and dictate your message

      Step 4. Pocket will repeat your message back to you, and ask you if you want to send it. Say yes to send the message, or, no to cancel sending.

    You can also simplify this process by stringing together these steps and saying something like, Send a WhatsApp message saying Hi, how are you, to Caitlin

    Receiving WhatsApp messages

    When you receive a WhatsApp message, Pocket will announce that you have a New WhatsApp message and tell you who it is from. To read incoming messages you will need to open the app and use screen reader gestures. This is an advanced feature, for more information on how to do this, please refer to the Access Android Apps section of the user guide.

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    Entertainment with Pocket

    Pocket has many different entertainment options Some articles about how to access and use these different entertainment options are listed below:
  • Books
  • Book Libraries
  • Newspapers
  • Magazines
  • Podcasts
  • Internet Radio
  • Back to the start


    Pocket comes with bundled access to over 100
  • Book libraries
  • Getting Started on Books

    You can get started reading a book by saying read me a book or What books do you have? or List books. Pocket will list all the available book libraries and you can select from the list by number.

    Once you have chosen a book source, Pocket will list books from that source, giving you five at a time. You can select a book from this list by number, or at the end of a list of five books say next to be given the next list of five books. You can also jump around the list by larger numbers of items by saying jump forward 30 or jump back 12 and so on.

    Recent books function

    The recent books option allows you to choose from a list of books that you have recently been reading, without having to search for them again. To get to this list you can say, Go to my recent books or you can select number one from the book sources list. When you select a book from the recent books list, Pocket will continue reading it at the same place that you were up to. To delete books from your recent list first say go to my recent books then if you want to delete the third book say delete number 3. To delete the rest of your book list from the 4th item say delete rest from number 4.

    Searching for Books

    The best way to use the book catalogue is to search by author, with title or about topic. Once you have chosen a book source, the best way to use the book catalogue is to search by author, with title or about topic. For instance you can say Find books by Jane Austen or Search for books with title Pride and Prejudice or Find books about Christmas.You do not have to leave the book that you are currently reading to do a search for another book from the same book source. For example, you might be in the middle of a chapter of Jane Eyre, and decide to do a search for another book. Just say Find books titled Great Expectations and Pocket will conduct that search for you straight away.

    When choosing a book, you can select from a list by number. Just say, Number 1 or The last one or The third one. You can also interrupt a listing and say That one or Yes.

    Once you have selected a book your device will prompt you to say play or add to bookshelf. You can interrupt the synopsis at any time and say play to start reading the book.

    Once Pocket has given you a list you can also ask it to jump to items within the list. For example, you could say next starting with B and Pocket will jump to the next item in the list starting with the letter B. You could also say something like next containing ocean to jump to the next item in the list which contains the word ocean.

    Alternatively if you have not yet chosen a book source, you can include one in your search phrase, for example you could say Find Librevox books by Charles Dickens.

    Pause, Stop, Repeat and Continue.

    When reading a book you can say, pause or stop to pause the book, and then say Continue or Resume to resume where you stopped.

    You can also pause the book by holding down the talk button for two seconds. You will hear a small, tish, sound to signal that Pocket has now paused. To resume, hold the talk button for two seconds, you will hear the same sound again to signal that Pocket has now unpaused.

    If you would like Pocket to repeat something that it just said, you can say repeat or say that again and Pocket will repeat the last thing it said, or start reading the current article from the beginning again.

    Saying continue is also very useful. If you have been listening to a book and then you put Pocket down for a while, when you return you can simply say, Continue and Pocket will start again where it left off. However, if you leave Pocket for too long, It will eventually forget what it was doing. If this happens, it will let you know that there is nothing to continue.

    Note that when Pocket resumes reading a book after being paused or when you say continue, it will start from the beginning of the current sentence so that you retain your reading context.

    Jump Back, Jump Forward, and Go Back

    A very handy feature to learn is the jump feature. It is necessary to note that this feature changes slightly depending on what you are reading

    While reading an e-book (which is a text based book read out by Pocket) , if you say Jump back 5 Pocket will take you back 5 sentences. If you say Jump forward 8 It will take you forward 8 sentences, and so on.

    While listening to an audio book you can jump backward and forward by minutes. For example, to jump back by ten minutes say jump back ten. Or to jump forward by four minutes you would say, jump forward four. Note that you do not need to say minutes at the end.

    If you wish to browse the sections of a book, and return to where you were reading in a particular section, you can say Go back, to go back a section and read from where you left off. Also, if you make a mistake in your choice of book saying Go back allows you to return to your previous list without having to start your search again.

    You can also check your position in any book you are reading. First say stop to pause the book, and then say position or describe. Pocket will respond to this with a detailed statement about your position in the book. From this point you can use any other commands related to book reading, such as jumping backwards or forwards through the book, moving between sections, hearing the table of contents, and more.

    We recommend interacting with books in this sequence, by first pausing, then asking for your position in the book, and then proceeding with any other book related commands.

    Navigating with the table of contents

    You can also navigate directly through the book by using the table of contents, to do this say contents or list contents. Your device will list the contents of the book, you can then decide if you would like to play the book starting from one of the sections listed, or, if you would like to explore one of these sections further by getting a list of its subsections.

    For example a table of contents may say:

    In this example you could choose to start listening from the beginning of part one by saying play number one. Alternatively you could listen to the breakdown of part one by saying number one, your device will then list any chapters or other subsections part one contains. You can continue traversing through the table of contents in this way, going down a level into more specific sections of the book each time. At any point in time during this traversal you can choose to start listening to a section listed by saying play followed by the number it is listed as. When you reach the lowest level of the book your device will say no further breakdown for this part and will take you back to the list of sections you just heard.

    At any point in time you can also go back to the previous level / list of sections you just heard by saying go back

    Navigating Sections

    All books are divided into sections for easy reference. To hear a list of sections you can say Section index or List sections or What sections do you have?
    Pocket will list the sections of the book in groups of five, and you can select from the list by number, or by interrupting the listing and saying That one.

    For e-Books, the first one or more sections of the book comprise all the publishing information and other introductory content found at the start of a book. Pocket will assume that you do not want to hear all that, and it will automatically start reading your book at the section that contains the main text of the book. Section two is often the start of the main text or first chapter of the book, and the sections after that are the subsequent chapters. If you would like to hear the introductory information say Go to section one or Previous section.

    Sometimes the introductory content might take more than one section to cover. It can be difficult to find where the book actually starts, so if Pocket gets it wrong, just say, next section to move forward until you find the section you want to begin reading.

    Please note that section numbers will generally not coincide with chapter numbers. However, you can still ask for, Next chapter and Pocket will interpret this as you wanting to move to the next section.

    Pocket will continue to read the book section by section. To jump around between the sections you can interrupt the book at any time and say Next section or Previous section or Go to section 5. Please note that if you change sections, Pocket will begin reading that section at the start again.

    To help you know where you are in the book, Pocket will also announce what percentage of the book you are up to at regular intervals.

    Pocket keeps track of where you are up to in each book. So if you start a new book without finishing a previous book, when you come back to the previous book, It will begin reading where we were up to last time.

    If you are reading a book and would like to go back to the beginning, you can say reset the book and it will start the book all over again. Resetting a book is useful if you are sharing the device with others, and you want to read the same book that someone else has already read.

    If you are listening to a section and would like to hear it again from the start, just ask for it again. For instance if you are listening to Section 3 say Go to Section 3 and I will start reading that section from the start.

    Browsing books using the Portal

    You can also see what books are available using the user portal. To do this you will need to go to the web site , log in to your account, and select the Catalogue Browsing button.

    On this web page you will find three sections for browsing; books, radio stations and podcasts. With books being the first on the web page. In the books section you can choose to browse all books, or search by Title, Author, Description or all of these fields.

    Back to the start



    Pocket has many different newspapers available for you from the RNIB Newsagent List. Each newspaper has some sections and each section consists of many articles. Newspapers come in a single daily edition, whereas news feeds such as The Conversation are updated regularly throughout the day, so there are often new articles available, with the most recent articles appearing first on the list.

    Finding a Newspaper

    To hear a list of all the available newspapers you can say Which newspapers do you have? or Choose a newspaper.

    There are many newspapers to choose from, you can jump ahead or back through the list of newspapers by saying Jump forward 8 or Jump back 5.

    In order to make searching for your desired newspaper easier you can now say Next starting with A to search for the next newspaper in the list starting with the letter A. You can also say Next containing music to skip to the next newspaper which has the word music in the title.

    To hear a particular newspaper you can say Read me The Independent or Go to The Guardian.

    Choosing a Section of the Newspaper

    Once you have chosen a newspaper you can also choose a section of that paper by saying What sections do you have or Go to the sections.

    Finding and Reading Articles

    Articles are listed as headlines which you read like any other list. When you have finished an article you can say, Next for the next article or Read headlines and choose another article from the list. To re-read the paper say, Reset the paper or Reset the Daily Mail using the title.

    To read about a particular topic say, Find articles about London Housing or Search for articles about Big Ben. If there are any articles they will be presented in a list called The Search Section. When you have read an article from this say, Go back once or twice to get back the search section for more unread articles on the topic.

    To move forward in an article, say, Jump forward three to jump forwards 3 sentences. To move two sentences back say, Jump backward two.

    Setting up Favourite Newspapers

    You can get to your favourite newspapers by subscribing to them. When you are reading a favourite newspaper say, Subscribe. Say, Yes or No when asked to confirm. To get to your favourite newspapers say, My newspapers.

    Automatic Read for Newspapers

    This is a great feature where Pocket can read you a newspaper or magazine continuously, without waiting for your input in between each article.

    When you have chosen a newspaper or magazine, or have started to listen to an article, press the talk button and say, Automatic Read or Auto Read or Automatic Reading. You will know that you have started Automatic Read when Pocket responds with Reading All so if you do not hear that, try again.

    When using Auto Read you can skip an article by pushing the talk button and saying Next, this command will not cancel Auto Read. You also will not cancel auto read if you pause and unpause, but other interactions, such as changing newspapers or magazines or listening to podcasts, will cancel automatic read, and you will have to ask Pocket to start it again.

    Back to the start



    Pocket has many different magazines available for you from the RNIB Newsagent List. Each magazine has some sections and each section consists of many articles. Magazines come in regular editions. You are able to hear the latest edition on Pocket. Each magazine has some sections and each section consists of several articles.

    Finding a Magazine

    To hear a list of all the available magazines you can say, Which magazines do you have? or Choose a magazine.

    To hear a particular magazine you can say, Read me BBC Good Food, or, Go to British Medical Journal. Pocket will automatically start from the first section of that magazine and will provide you with a list of five article headlines to choose from.

    There are many magazines to choose from. You can jump ahead or back through the list of magazines by saying Jump forward 8 or Jump back 5.

    There are a very large number of magazines available, so in order to make searching for your desired magazine easier, you can now say Next starting with A to search for the next magazines in the list starting with the letter M, or Next containing music to skip to the next magazine which has the word music in it's title.

    Choosing a Section of the Magazine

    Once you have chosen a magazine you can also choose a section of it by saying What sections do you have, or Go to the sections...

    Finding and Reading Articles

    Articles are listed as headlines which you read like any other list. When you have finished an article you can say, Next for the next article or Read headlines and choose another article from the list. To re-read the magazine say, Reset the Magazine or Reset the British Medical Journal.

    To read about a particular topic say, Find articles about London Housing or Search for articles about Big Ben. Articles if there are any will be presented in a list called The Search Section. When you have read an article from this say, Go back once or Go back twice to get back the search section for more unread articles on the topic.

    To move forward in an article, say, Jump forward three. To move backward say, Jump backward two.

    Setting up Favourite Magazines

    You can get to your favourite Magazines by subscribing to them. When you are reading a favourite Magazine say, Subscribe. Say, Yes or No when asked to confirm. To get to your favourite Magazines say, My Magazines.

    Automatic Read for Magazines

    This is a great feature where Pocket can read you a magazine continuously, without waiting for your input in between each article.

    Once you have accessed a magazine, or have started to listen to an article, press the talk button and say, Automatic Read or Auto Read or Automatic Reading. You will know that you have started Automatic Read when Pocket says Reading All, so, if you do not hear that, please try again.

    When using Auto Read you can skip an article by pushing the talk button and saying Next, this command will not cancel Auto Read. You also will not cancel auto read if you pause and unpause, but other interactions, such as changing Magazines or magazines or listening to podcasts, will cancel automatic read, and you will have to ask Pocket to start it again.

    A Note about the types of Magazines

    These instructions are specific to e-text magazines, that Pocket reads to you in your chosen voice. R N I B also offers human read audio magazines, and these are available as podcasts. You can access these by saying, find podcasts from Newsagent, which will present you with a list of podcast titles corresponding to the magazines that are being read.
    Back to the start



    Pocket has many sources of podcasts for you, including the BBC, Australias ABC, CBC from Canada, NPR from the USA, radio NZ, Ted Talks Audio and RNIB. Each source has many programs, and each program has several episodes.

    Finding a podcast

    To hear a list of all the available podcast sources you can say, Play me a podcast, or, Listen to podcasts, or, List the podcasts, or, What podcasts do you have?

    You can go straight to a podcast source by saying Play me podcasts from NPR, or, Find podcasts from BBC.

    Once you have chosen a podcast source, Pocket will list the podcast programs from that source in alphabetical order, giving you five at a time. At the end of a list of five programs say, next to be given the next list of five programs. You can also jump around the list by larger numbers of items by saying, jump forward thirty, or, jump back twelve.

    You can also search for topics by saying, find podcasts about black holes or, search for podcasts on South Africa.To search for a particular program say, Play me Friday Night Comedy, or, Play me The Archers. You can restrict your search to a particular source by saying, search for podcasts from BBC about David Cameron, or, play me the science show from ABC.

    Selecting a Podcast

    When choosing podcasts Pocket will present you with a list in a similar way to newspapers. You can select one by saying, Number 1, or, The last one, or, The third one.

    You can also interrupt the listing at the item you want. Just press the talk button and say, That one, or, Yes.

    Subscribing to Podcasts

    Pocket has a handy feature that allows you to create a list of podcasts by subscribing to them so that you can find your favourite podcasts quickly and easily, without having to repeatedly search for them. To do this, first choose a podcast and then say, subscribe. Your favourite podcasts will then appear on a list called, my podcasts. Just say go to my podcasts to bring up this list.

    Browsing podcasts using the Portal

    You can also see what podcasts are available using the user portal. To do this you will need to go to the web site , log in to your account, and select the Catalogue Browsing button.

    On this web page you will find three sections for browsing; books, radio stations and podcasts. With pocasts being the lowest on the web page. In the podcasts section you can choose to browse all podcast programs, or search by Episode title, Episode description, Program name or all of these fields.

    Back to the start

    Internet Radio


    Pocket has many radio stations readily available for you to tune in to, these radio stations are live and come from various online sources.

    Finding a Radio Station

    To listen to radio Say, Listen to radio or list radios or Play radio stations. Radio is the important word to use. To listen to stations from a particular area say, Listen to radios in Essex. To listen to stations broadcasting particular topics say, Listen to radio stations about sport or Listen to radio stations About folk music.

    Stations will be presented in a list, first those stations with a number as part of the title, then the rest alphabetically. There are a very large number of radio stations available, so in order to make searching for your desired radio station easier you can now say, Next starting with A, to search for the next radio in the list starting with the letter A, or Next containing music, to skip to the next radio station which has the word music in its title. You can also jump around the list by larger numbers of items by saying, jump forward 30, or, jump back 12, and so on.

    To choose a particular station say, Listen to radio BBC Radio 2 or Listen to Radio classic FM or Listen to premier Christian Radio, then choose from the list.

    Playing Favourites

    To choose a station as a favourite, when you are listening to it say, Subscribe. You will be asked to confirm this, say, Yes or No. To get your list of favourites say, List favourite radios or Listen to favourite radio stations. Select whichever one you want from the list. To remove it from your favourites, choose the number from the list and say, Unsubscribe. You will be asked to confirm.

    Important Notes

    Internet Radio streams to the device over the internet, you do not need an antenna. However if you are not using Wifi, your 3Gb per month allowance will be quickly used up.

    Internet radio stations do also tend to drop out, so if there is one that you particularly want, please get in touch with the In Your Pocket team.

    Browsing radio stations using the Portal

    You can also see what radio stations are available using the user portal. To do this you will need to go to the web site , log in to your account, and select the Catalogue Browsing button.

    On this web page you will find three sections for browsing; books, radio stations and podcasts. With radio stations being the second on the web page. In the radio stations section you can choose to browse all radio stations, or search by Title, Location, Genre or all of these fields.

    Back to the start

    Assistance Features on Pocket

    Pocket has many helpful features designed to assist daily life:

  • Weather Forecasts
  • Telling the Time
  • Reminders
  • Magnifier
  • Object Recognition and Reading Text
  • Assitance calls
  • Be My Eyes Visual Assistance
  • Orientation or 'Where Am I'
  • Outdoor locations
  • Access-Android
  • Back to the start

    Weather Forecasts

    Pocket can report the weather all around the world!

    Find out the current Weather in your Location

    To find out the current temperature in your location. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:



      What is the weather like?

    Find out the Weather Forcast in your Location

    To find out the weather forecast in your current location. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      What is the forecast?


      Weather forecast

    Find out the Weather for a different Location

    To find out the current temperature in a location. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      What is the weather like in Bristol?


      What is the temperature in Hawaii?

    To find out the weather forecast in another location. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      What is the forecast in London, United Kingdom?


      Weather forecast for Michagan

    Back to the start

    How to ask Pocket for the Time & Date

    To find out the time in your current location. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      What is the time?


      Tell me the time

    To find out the time in another region. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Tell me the time in Singapore


      What is the time in Paris, France?

    To find out the current date for your location. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Tell me the date

    To find out the date in another region. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      What is the date in India?
    Back to the start


    Pocket can help you stay organised with reminders.

    How to Set a Reminder

    To set a one-off reminder. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Remind me in 90 minutes to turn off the oven


      Set a reminder for 90 minutes to turn off the oven

    Helpful Tip

    You can say any length of time, but Pocket will be confused if you combine hours and minutes. To help Pocket please say, 90 minutes instead of 1 hour 30 minutes.

    Check your Reminders

    To find out how many reminders you have. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      List reminders


      What reminders do I have?

    Delete a Reminder

      Step 1 Press Tap the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then say:

      List reminders

      Pocket will list any reminders that you have.

      Step 2 Select the reminder you want to cancel by saying the options number. Press Tap the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then say for example:

      Number 1

      Pocket will confirm that the reminder has been cancelled.

    Back to the start


    The RealSAM Pocket Magnifier can enlarge text, identify and describe objects and read information.

    How to open the Magnifier

    To open the Magnifier:

      Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Open Magnifier



    The Magnifier will open on the touchscreen and turn ON the cameras, located on the back of your device. You can use your voice or the touchscreen when using the magnifier.

    How to use the Magnifier with your voice

    To turn on the cameras flash To turn off the cameras flash To focus the camera To capture an image To unfreeze the image, so that you can capture a new image To magnify an image To minimize and image To detect objectS in an image. To read text in an image. To change the brightness of a frozen image To change the contrasts of a frozen image To change the colours of a frozen image. To restore the image and remove any colour, contrasts or brightness changes.

    Magnifier Touch-screen Buttons

    The Magnifier has the following touchscreen features and buttons that can be selected using the slide & lift gesture:
      Tap to Talk button is located on the touchscreen towards the bottom edge and needs to be tapped before giving voice commands.

      Focus is a feature that sharpens the quality of the image you want to capture. Tap near the center of your touchscreen to focus the image. Pocket will say focused to confirm that the image has been focused.

      Flash button is located on the top left corner of the touchscreen. When you use the slide & lift gesture on this button, Pocket will announce if you are going to turn ON flash or turn OFF flash

      Zoom IN button is located above the Talk Button to the left side on your touchscreen, and when selected makes the image bigger

      Zoom OUT button is located above the Talk Button to the right of your touchscreen, and when selected will make the image smaller

      Freeze & Unfreeze button is located above the Talk Button in the middle between the zoom in and zoom out buttons. The Freeze button must be selected to capture the image.

      Exit button is located on the top right corner of the touchscreen. Selecting Exit will close the Magnifier.

    After an image has been frozen, the Menu button will be displayed on the top left corner of the touchscreen. When the Menu button is selected, a touchscreen menu will open on the screen, you can interact with this menu using the slide and lift gesture. Using this menu you can enhance your image in various ways, or ask Pocket to help you understand your image.

    For example:

      The Brightness menu will open to a second menu, where you can increase or decrease the brightness of your image

      The Contrast menu will open to a second menu, where you can increase or decrease the contrast of your image

      The Colours menu will allow open to a second menu, where you can select a high colour contrast option to apply to your image

      Text recognition will get Pocket to process the image, and read out the text that it recognises

      Object recognition will get Pocket to process the image, and identify any objects that it recognises

      Restore image will restore the image to the original state, by removing any colour, brightness or contrast changes

      Exit magnifier will close the magnifier - note, this will cause you to lose your frozen image

      Done will close the menu, and return you to your frozen image with any changes applied

    This menu works in the same way as the normal touchscreen menu that you open with the L gesture. If you need a refresher on how to use touchscreens, please refer to the How to use a touchscreen section of the user guide.

    Capturing an image

    To begin using the magnifier, say Open magnifier or Magnifier. The magnifier uses your camera, which is located on the back of your device. You will need to point the camera at the object that you want to magnify or inspect.

    There are two ways to capture an image, by voice, or, by touchscreen.

    To capture an image by voice, point your camera at the object of interest, then Press the Talk button, wait for the tone and say:



    Capture image

    To capture an image by touchscreen, while holding your camera towards the object of interest you will need to select the Freeze button, located just above the talk button on your screen.

    To do this:

    1. Find the Freeze button, by slowly sliding your finger around the screen until you hear your device say Freeze.
    2. Select the Freeze button by lifting your finger off the screen. Your device should say Frozen to let you know that you have successfully captured an image.

    If you are unhappy with the image you have captured and want to take a new one, you can either, Press the Talk button, wait for the tone and say Unfreeze. Or, select the Unfreeze button, which will be located in the same position as the freeze button was.

    Once you have captured an image, you can use the magnifier to enhance the image, identify objects within the image, and read text within the image. These functions will be discussed in the other sections of this guide.

    Editing the image

    Once you have captured an image you can enhance it in various ways, to do this you will need to access the menu, which will be located near the top left corner of your touchscreen. You can slowly slide your finger up and down this menu to hear the different options, and lift your finger off to select one. Some examples of these options are:

    1. Contrast menu, where you can change the contrast of the image
    2. Brightness menu, where you can change the brightness of the image
    3. Colours menu, where you can change the colour of the image, turn it to greyscale, or invert the colours in the image
    4. And more
    You can also zoom in and zoom out of the image using the Zoom in and Zoom out buttons discussed in the magnifier touch-screen buttons section. Additionally you can pan the magnified image around with your finger to focus on the part that you want.

    If you want to capture another image, press the Unfreeze button, or Press the Talk button, wait for the tone and say Unfreeze.

    Please note that none of the images captured using the magnifier are saved.

    Identifying objects and reading text

    The magnifier function can help you to identify objects, or read text by capturing an image.

    Once you have captured an image you can use these features by voice, or by touchscreen.

    To do this by voice:

      Press the Talk button, wait for the tone and say:

      Detect object or What is this, to get Pocket to help you identify objects in the image.


      Text recognition or Read, to get Pocket to read out any text that it recognises in the image.

    To use these features by touchscreen:

      Use the Slide & lift gesture to select the menu button, located near the top left corner of your screen.

      Then use the slide and lift gesture to select either

      Text recognition, to get Pocket to read out any text that it recognises in the image.


      Object recognition, to get Pocket to help you identify objects in the image.

    Please note that none of the images captured using the magnifier are saved.

    Back to the start

    Object Recognition and Reading Text

    Identify Objects and Read Text

    Your Pocket can identify objects or read text using the Magnifier feature.

    To open the Magnifier:

      Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Open Magnifier



    The Magnifier will open on the touchscreen and turn ON the cameras, located on the back of your device.

    To Capture an Image for Object Recognition and Text Reading

      You will first need to point the camera at the object that you want to identify or read.

      Then, you can either capture an image by voice or by touchscreen.

      To capture an image by voice, Press the Talk button, wait for the tone and say Freeze

      To capture an image by touchscreen, slowly slide your finger around the screen until you hear your device announce Freeze and lift your finger off the screen to select this button.

      Your device will announce to you that the image is now Frozen.

    To use Object Recognition and Text Reading

      Now that you have captured an image, you can use object or text recognition. You can once again do this by voice, or by touchscreen.

      To start object recognition by voice, Press the Talk button, wait for the tone and say Detect object or What is this?.

      To start text reading by voice, Press the Talk button, wait for the tone and say Text recognition or Read

      To start object recognition or text reading by touchscreen

      Use the Slide & Lift gesture to select the menu button, located near the top left corner of your screen. Then, once the menu has opened, use the Slide & Lift gesture again to select either Text Recognition or Object Recognition.

    Helpful Tip

    If you are unhappy with the image you have captured and want to take a new one, you can tap the Unfreeze button, which will be located in the same position as the freeze button was, in the middle at the bottom of your touchscreen.

    Please note that images captured using the Magnifier are not saved.

    Back to the start
    Back to the start

    Assistance Calls

    Using Pocket you can set up contacts who will be alerted in the case of an emergency. To alert your device to an emergency, make an assistance call by saying make assistance call

    Making assistance contacts

    Assistance contacts are contacts which will be called or texted, and told you are in need of assistance, in the event of an emergency when you make an assistance call.

    To create an assistance contact, you will have to create a contact as normal, but name the contact assistance followed by the name of the person. For example, you could create a contact named Assistance Nick. Alternatively, if you want to make an existing contact into an assistance contact, you will need to rename the contact, so that the persons name is preceeded by the word assistance.

    Making assistance calls

    You can use Pocket to make assistance calls. Assistance calls can be made in the event of an emergency. Making an assistance call will cause Pocket to text your assistance contacts, and let them know you are in need of assistance. Pocket will additionally call the first assistance contact in your contact list, the contact list is ordered alphabetically. To make an assistance call, say make assistance call.

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    Be My Eyes

    Be My Eyes is an organisation that connects blind and low-vision people with sighted volunteers for visual assistance through a live video call.

    Setting up a Be My Eyes account

    In order to use Be My Eyes and start a call with a sighted individual, you will first need to set up an account. This process may seem daunting but Pocket will do most of the work for you, so do not worry.

    First, Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Be My Eyes

    Once you have done this Pocket will connect to Be My Eyes and ask you to review the terms and conditions of usage.

    If you agree to the terms and conditions, Pocket will start up Be My Eyes and complete your registration. This registration can sometimes take a while so you might have to wait for a few minutes before you can make a call.

    How to use Be My Eyes

    To use the Be My Eyes function once your account has been set up. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Be My Eyes

    Pocket will take a few seconds, and then tell you that it is calling the first available volunteer. If you decide that you do not want to make the call, to cancel Press the Talk button.

    Once the call has started you will be able to talk with the volunteer on the other end of the line. This volunteer will be using the camera on the back of your device to see, so it is important that you are holding your device correctly. To do this make sure the screen side of your device is facing you, and ensure your fingers are not covering the camera lens.
    To end the call, Press the Talk button.

    Back to the start


    Pocket can tell you your current location.

    Just say, Press the Talk Button. Then, say:

      Where am I?

    Pocket will give you the closest street address, as well as the nearest cross street. Note that this works best when you are outside, so that Pocket can connect to as many satellites as possible.

    If you are inside when you ask, Pocket will generally have a guess, but the location details may not be accurate.

    Find out local points of interest near you.

      Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then say:

      What is around here?


      What is nearby?


      Local points of interest

    Back to the start

    Outdoor Locations

    Pocket's Outdoor Locations function allows you to set names for locations while you are outdoors, such as your local grocery store or a friend's house. When this function is on, it will also tell you when you are close to any of your set locations.

    Setting a name for a location

    To start the Outdoor Locations function. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Start locations

    The first time you do this you will have to accept the terms and conditions.

    Once Outdoor Locations has started you may label your current location however you like. For example, if you were in your home you could Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then say:

      Label location as home

    Or if you were at your grocery store you could say:

      Label location as grocery store

    The next time you are near these places, and outdoor locations is turned on, Pocket will let you know that they are near.

    Once you are done setting locations or navigating Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say: Stop locations.

    Managing your Outdoor Locations

    You can edit your set Locations. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      List locations

    Pocket will then read out the names of your locations and ask you to select one. Once you have selected a location you will be able to:

      Delete the location

      Change the location name

    Back to the start

    Access Android Apps

    The Access Android feature provides access to external Apps like Google Maps.

    When using an App on your RealSAM Pocket an accessibility feature will be turned on called Screen Reader. The Screen Reader will read the screen when you slide your finger over text and buttons.

    The Android Apps have been developed externally; this means that while using an Android App the RealSAM Talk button will not work. The following steps will assist you to use the Access Android feature.

    Open Apps using the touch-screen

      Step 1 Open the Main Menu using the L gesture.

      Step 2 Use the slide & lift gesture to select Show my Android Apps

      A list of Apps will be shown on the touch-screen.

      Step 3 Use the slide & lift gesture to select the App you want to open for example Google Maps

      Pocket will announce that the App is opening.

      The first few times you open apps via the touchscreen, Pocket will give you a quick announcement on how to exit the app.

    Helpful Tip The first item in the list of Apps is the Screen Reader Tutorial. Use the slide and lift gesture to select this tutorial so that you can familiarise yourself with how to use Screen Reader.

    Open Apps using your Voice

    To open an App Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say: open followed by the name of the App like:

      Open Google Maps

      Pocket will then say Opening Google Maps.

    Helpful Tip

    To find out which Apps you can access. First, Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say: List Apps. Pocket will then list the Apps you can use.

    How to use Screen Reader

    Apps on your Pocket will open with Screen Reader turned on. The Screen Reader will read out buttons, labels and text that is displayed on the touch screen.

    When you first use Screen Reader you will be given advice on how to exit apps and return to RealSam. If you want to practice using Screen Reader, you can say Open Screen Reader Tutorial and work through the tutorial to familiarise yourself.

    There are a few key gestures that are useful to know when using Screen Reader.

    The following steps outline how to make a selection using the Double Tap touch-screen gesture.

    How to make a Selection

      Step 1 Open an App using your Voice or the touch-screen Menu.

      Step 2 Slide your finger slowly around the touch-screen.

      Step 3 Lift your finger off the screen after you have heard an option that you want, like Voice search button.

      Step 4 Use a Double Tap anywhere on the screen to confirm your selection.

      To make a double tap place your finger on the screen, lift it off then very quickly place it back on the screen and then, lift it off.

    Useful Touch-screen Gestures

    The following touch-screen gestures can be used while using Apps. Please be aware that every Android App is designed differently so some gestures may not work. For example if an App has not been designed to be scrolled horizontally then the Scroll Right or Left gesture is not expected to work.

      Scroll Up or Down: Place two fingers on the screen, then swipe up or down. Repeat the gesture to reach the top or bottom.

      Scroll Left or Right: Place two fingers on the screen, then swipe across the screen to the right or left.

      Move to the next item on the screen: Place one finger on the screen, then swipe across the screen to the right.

      Move to the previous item on the screen: Place one finger on the screen, then swipe across the screen to the left.

    How to close an App

    To close an App and return to your Pocket Home screen:

      Step 1 Slide your finger across the bottom of the touch-screen until you hear Home button.

      Step 2 Lift your finger off the screen, then quickly Double Tap anywhere on the screen.

      Your Pocket will say: Returning to RealSam. You will now be able to use the Talk button.

    Back to the start

    Pocket Customer Portal

    The Pocket Customer Portal is a complimentary website for Pocket users.

    From the Pocket Customer Portal you can:

    The RealSAM Customer Portal can be accessed at:

    customer portal

    For more information about the Pocket Customer Portal select one of these articles:

  • How to Login
  • How to Navigate the Customer Portal
  • Accessibility Settings
  • Contact Management
  • Back to the start

    How to Login

    To login to your Pocket Customer Portal, you will need your username and password, which are always available to you on your phone.

    First, Tap the Talk button.

    Then, say: What is my portal login?

    Pocket will now respond with your username and password. You will hear something like this:

    You can login to the customer portal, at You have the following username and temporary password, which has five digits, and is only valid for one hour. You may set your own long term password on the portal. The username is: 1 2 3 4 5 and the password is 9 8 7 6 5.

    Once you have your username and password, open a web browser.

    Go to

    Enter your login credentials.

    Then, click the login button.

    The Pocket Customer Portal Dashboard will open.

    Helpful Tip

    The password provided by Pocket is temporary, and is only valid for one hour. If your login was unsuccessful, ask Pocket What is my portal login? If you are still having issues logging into the Portal. Please contact support on 0333 772 7708 or

    Back to the start

    Customer Portal Navigation

    The Customer Portal consists of a few helpful pages. These pages can be accessed through the Dashboard, also known as the Home Page or through the navigation menu. This navigation menu, also called a hamburger menu; is a navy blue square with three white horizontal lines and is located on the top of the page.

    Access pages through the drop down menu

    Click on the navigation menu button to expand it.

    Once it opens, you can click on the desired page name and it will take you to that page.

    You can choose from these pages:

    Access pages through the Dashboard

    The Dashboard has a number of large navy blue tiles with the page name and graphic icons.

    Click on the desired tile to open the corresponding page.

    Back to the start


    The Pocket Customer Portal is compatible with screen readers and has additional accessibility features for users who do not use screen readers. The Accessibility button is a mint green square with a navy blue eye symbol. It is located on the top right corner of the Customer Portal pages. Click the Accessibility button to access the drop down menu of options. You can increase font size, decrease font size, apply grayscale and reset. Click the setting you would like to change.


    The accessibility settings you select will be applied to all pages on the Customer Portal. When you log out, your preference will not be saved, and the Customer Portal will revert to the default accessibility settings.

    Back to the start

    Contact Management

    The Contact Management page lists all existing contacts whether added on the Customer Portal or your Pocket. You can view, edit and add contacts to your contact list.

    Open the Contact Management Page

    The Contact Management page can be accessed from the Navigation Menu button or the Dashboard.

    To access the contact management page from the Navigation Menu button.

    First, click on the navigation menu button, located on the top of the page.

    A drop down menu will open.

    The menu lists all the pages you can access:

    Then click on Contact Management.

    The contact management page will open.


    To access the contact management page from the Dashboard.

    Click on the Contact Management tile located on the left side of the page. The tile is navy blue with a blue phone icon, and the label Contact Management written in white text.

    The Contact Management page will open.

    Description of the Contact Management page

    At the top of the screen, you will find the RealSAM logo and the heading RealSAM Customer Portal. The top menu contains the navigation menu, accessibility button and logout button.

    The secondary menu provides the option to select Contact Management or Help. The Contact Management view allows you to view, add and edit your contact list. The Help view provides tips and information for using the Contact Management page.

    The Contact Management view has two large navy buttons on the left of the page with white text. The first button is Add Contact and the second button is Upload Contacts. Below these buttons is a table which displays your contact list. There are three columns in the table labeled from left to right as Name, Number, and Actions. The Name column lists the contacts name. The Number column lists the phone number. The Actions column has two buttons. The first button is navy blue and labeled Change Contact. The second button is red and labeled Remove Contact.

    Add a Contact

    First, click the Add Contact button.

    A pop-up will open that is labeled Add Contact.

    The top text box is labeled Name.

    Place your cursor in the Name text box.

    Enter your Contacts Name for example Annabelle Green

    Below the Contact Name text box is the Number and Extension text boxes.

    Place your cursor in the Number text box.

    Enter the phone number for the contact.

    For example 020 7123 4567

    If your contact does not have an extension number leave the Extension text box empty.

    If your contact has an extension number. Place your cursor in the Extension text box and enter the extension number, like 123.

    Now click the Save button and your contact will be added to your contact list.


    If you are including the country code for example +44 for the UK you need to type the + symbol when entering the phone number. However, you do not need to include brackets or dashes as separators between groups of numbers, as these are formatted automatically. For example the phone number +44 (020) 7123-4567. Can be entered like + 4 4 0 2 2 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7.

    Add Contacts from a Digital Address book or Mobile phone

    You can add contacts to Pocket from a digital address book or mobile phone.

    First you will need to export your contact list from your current mobile phone or digital address book as a VCF or CSV file. To do this please refer to the export advice provided by the mobile phone or email service.

    Once you have saved the file login to the customer portal and open the contact management page.

    Click the Upload Contact button.

    A pop-up will open, with heading Upload Contacts CSV or VCF

    There is a field labeled Contact File, This text box is required. To the right of the text box is an attachment icon, a paperclip symbol.

    Click on the Contact File Field or attachment icon.

    Your document folder will open.

    Select the file you exported from your phone or digital address book.

    Depending on your file system, you may need to confirm your selection.

    The file name will now be listed in the contact file field.

    Now, click the Upload button.

    The contacts will now be displayed in the Contact Management list on the RealSAM Customer Portal and be available for you to use on your Pocket device.

    Helpful Tip

    When uploading the contact CSV or VCF file, if the file name displayed in the contact file field is incorrect. Select the X on the right edge of the Contact File field. This will remove the file.

    How to Find a Contact

    You can sort the contact list alphabetically from A to Z or from Z to A. Just click on the column label Name to change the sort order.

    At the bottom of the contact list table are buttons Rows per Page, Next, and Back. These buttons can be used to navigate through the list.

    How to Change a Contact Name

    To change a contact name from the Pocket contact management page.

    First, click the Change Contact button, which is located in the Action column of the contact list.

    A pop-up will open labeled Change Contact.

    There are three text boxes. The top text box is Name and below is the Number and Extension.

    Place your cursor in the Name text box.

    Then enter the new name for the contact.

    Now, click the Save button.

    The contact name will be updated on the Customer Portal and your Pocket device.

    To close the Change Contact pop-up without saving your changes click, Cancel.

    How to Change a Phone Number

    First, find the contact you want to change.

    Then, click the Change Contact button, which is located in the Action column of the contact list.

    A pop-up will open labeled Change Contact.

    There are three text boxes. The top text box is Name and below is the Number and Extension.

    Place your cursor in the Number text box.

    Then enter the phone number for the contact.

    Now, click the Save button.

    The phone number will be updated on the portal and your Pocket.

    How to Change an Extension Phone Number

    First, find the contact you want to change.

    Then, click the Change Contact button, which is located in the Action column of the contact list.

    A pop-up will open labeled Change Contact.

    There are three text boxes. The top text box is Name and below is Number and Extension.

    Place your cursor in the Extension text box.

    Then enter the extension number for the contact.

    Now, click the Save button.

    The extension number will be updated on the portal and your Pocket.

    How to Remove a Contact

    To delete a contact from your contact list.

    First, find the contact you want to delete.

    Once you have found the contact you want to delete.

    Then, click the Remove Contact button; in the same row as the contact you want to delete under the Action column.

    Then a pop-up will open with a message like:

    Are you sure you want to delete contact James with number +44 (207) 123-4567 ?

    Now, click Yes to confirm you want to remove the contact


    Click Cancel to keep the contact.

    Back to the start

    Voice Commands

    To help you find useful commands, the Voice Commands are organized into topics.

    Say Hello to RealSAM

    To greet Pocket. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:



      How are you?


      Good night

    Tell Pocket your name

    To let Pocket know your name, or how you would like to be addressed. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say my name is, followed by your name like:

      My name is Matilda


      My name is Max


      Call me Tilly

    Ask Pocket to Repeat

    Sometimes you might miss what Pocket has said. To hear what Pocket said again. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:



      Say that again

    Ask Pocket to Cancel, Stop, Exit

    To end a conversation or task with RealSAM. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:






    Helpful Tip

    If you Press the Talk button accidently or are asking a question and want to cancel, quickly Press the talk button again. You will hear the error tone which tells you interaction has been stopped.

    Help & Support

    To access the audio user guide. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      User Guide

    Pocket will list the sections and articles for you to read. To make a selection from the user guide menu Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say the number or words from the articles title like, number 1 or Quick Start.

    You can ask RealSAM Pocket for advice. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:


    The Help advice will be specific to the feature you are currently using. For example if you had just asked RealSAM Pocket to List Contacts, then ask for Help, the advice provided will be about the contact list.

    Device Tutorial

    For a quick introduction to RealSAM Pocket try the Device Tutorial. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Device Tutorial

    WiFi Tutorial

    For assistance with connecting to WiFi try the WiFi Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      WiFi Tutorial

    Check WiFi and Mobile Network Connection

    To check if you are connected to WiFi and a mobile network. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Network Status

    Customer Portal Login

    To find out your customer portal login details. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      What is my portal login?

    What is Your Phone Number?

    To find out your mobile number. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      What is my number?

    Call Customer Support

    Your phone has been loaded with the RealSAM customer support phone number. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Call RealSAM


      Call Helpline

    Give Feedback

    To provide customer feedback and let us know what we are doing right or what we can do better. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:


    Pocket will ask you to provide feedback. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, give your feedback, you can say anything for example; I like the option to choose different voices, it would be great to have a voice with an Irish accent.

    Connect to WiFi

    To check available WiFi networks. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      WiFi Settings


      Configure WiFi.

    Pocket will list available WiFi on your touchscreen. Slide your finger down the screen slowly to hear the network names. Release your finger on the network name you want to connect to. If a password is required to join the network a keyboard will open on the touchscreen. The keyboard is spoken when you slide your finger, the key name will be said when you make the selection, the key name will be said again in a different voice. Select Done once the password. For more information refer to the Entering password section of the user guide.

    Check the Battery Level

    To check the battery level. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:



      Power Level


      Check battery level


      What is the battery level?

    Power Off

    To turn Pocket off. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Power off

    Lock Screen

    To lock the screen. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Lock screen

    To unlock the screen, press down the side button for three seconds, or until you hear Pocket say, unlocked. The side button is located on the right edge of the device under the volume button.


    To pair Pocket with your bluetooth devices. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Pair Bluetooth

    Pocket will scan for pairable devices. If there is more than one device available Pocket will list the devices, follow the prompts to select the device you want to connect to.

    To manage the list of bluetooth devices your Pocket has previously connected to. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Manage Bluetooth

    To turn bluetooth off. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Disable Bluetooth

    To turn bluetooth on. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Enable Bluetooth

    Change Pocket's Speech Speed'

    To change the speech speed. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Set speech speed

    Pocket will play a sample of each speech speed. To hear the options again Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:


    Next, choose one of the speeds. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say the number like Number 3.

    To increase the speech speed incrementally, that is by one level at a time. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Speak faster

    To decrease the speech speed incrementally. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Speak slower

    To move to a specific speech level. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Speak slowly


      Speak normally


      Speak fast


      Speak very fast


      Speak extremely fast

    Change Screen Brightness

    To increase the screen brightness. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Screen bright


      Screen brighter.

    To decrease the screen brightness. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Screen darker


      Screen very dark

    Change Pocket's Voice'

    Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Change Voice.

    Pocket will list all the voices you can use. To navigate the list. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:



      Go back.

    To make a selection. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Number 4


      Number 5

    Silent Mode

    Silent mode turns off your ringtone and text message notification tone. The phone will only vibrate when calls and text messages are received. To turn on silent mode. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Enable Silent mode

    To turn off silent mode. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Disable Silent mode

    Extend phone ring

    To extend the length of time your phone rings. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Extend Ring

    Time & Date

    To find out the time in your current location. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      What is the time?

      Tell me the time

    To find out the time in another region. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Tell me the time in Singapore


      What is the time in Paris, France?

    To find out the current date for your location. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Tell me the date

    To find out the date in another region. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      What is the date in India?


    Pocket can report the weather all around the world!

    To find out the current temperature in your location. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:



      What is the weather like?

    To find out the weather forecast in your current location. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      What is the forecast?


      Weather forecast

    To find out the current temperature in another location. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      What is the temperature in Hawaii?

    To find out the weather forecast in another location. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      What is the forecast in London, United Kingdom?


      Weather forecast for Michagan

    Location & Points of Interest

    Pocket can help you stay oriented. To find out your current location. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say: Then, say:

      Where am I?


      What is my location?

    To find out points of interest near your current location. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      What is around here?


      What is nearby?


      Points of interest

    Outdoor Location

    Outdoor location is an orientation support feature that allows you to map your personal points of interest; like a park bench. First, Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Start outdoor locations

    Pocket will confirm that Outdoor Locations has started. Once you have reached a personal point of interest like a park bench. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say label location as, followed by the name like:

      Label location as Park Bench

    Pocket will confirm that the location has been saved.

    To access a list of your saved Outdoor Locations. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      List Locations

    Pocket will list all your saved outdoor locations.

    Be My Eyes

    Be My Eyes is an organization that connects blind and low-vision people with sighted volunteers for visual assistance through a live video call. To open Be My Eyes. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Be My Eyes

    To end the call Press the end call button on the touchscreen.


    Pocket can help you stay organized with reminders.

    To set a one-off reminder. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Remind me in 90 minutes to turn off the oven


      Set a reminder for 90 minutes to turn off the oven

    Helpful Tip

    You can say any length of time, but Pocket will be confused if you combine hours and minutes. To help Pocket please say, 90 minutes instead of 1 hour 30 minutes.

    To find out how many reminders you have. Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      List reminders


      What reminders do I have?

    From the list of reminders you can cancel a reminder.

    Back to the start

    Help & Support

  • Getting Help
  • Troubleshooting
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Back to the start

    Getting Further Help

    You can call our office during office hours on 0333 772 7708. The team there will assist you with using the device, or try and solve the problem if it appears to be with the device or software.

    You can email our team on

    To report an issue or provide feedback. Then, say: Feedback followed by your message. For example you could say Feedback, I like how this book structure is laid out or Feedback, I had a problem here. Your feedback will be sent to our support team. However this will not generate the same immediate support that you will get by ringing our helpline.

    Back to the start


    What to do when Pocket says you do not have Access to the Internet or Transient Network Error

    A Transient Network Error is a temporary issue connecting with your RealSAM Pocket to your mobile phone network or WiFi network. This can happen when you have a weak signal or when there is a telephone network outage. When Pocket tells you that you do not have access to the internet this means that you have either lost your connection or have a poor signal.

    To check the strength of your mobile phone network and WiFi connection.

      Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Network status

    If the mobile network connection is less than 2 out of 4. Try moving to a location with a better signal. For example if you were inside a shopping center moving outside may improve the connection.

    If you do not experience any improvement please contact RealSAM support on 0333 772 7708. Please be ready to provide your current location.

    Your location information will allow the support team to check for any network outages in the area.

      Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Where am I ?

    When out in the community your Pocket may connect to a free WiFi Hotspot. Free WiFi Hotspots typically do not provide a strong connection.

    Turning OFF WiFi access can improve your network connection.

      Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Disable WiFi

    To turn WiFi access on:

      Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Enable WiFi

    What to do when your RealSAM Pocket is Not Talking

    Check if the touchscreen is Locked

    To unlock your device, hold the side button down for approximately 3 seconds, or until you hear unlocked. You should now be able to use all the features available on your Pocket device. Check the Volume Level

    The Volume button may have accidentally been pressed and decreased the volume so you can no longer hear Pocket. To increase the volume press the Volume Up button until you hear That is maximum volume.

    Check your Network and WiFi connection

    Your Pocket will not work as expected when there is a poor connection to your Mobile network or WiFi To check the strength of your mobile phone network and WiFi connection.

      Press the Talk button, wait for the tone. Then, say:

      Network status

    To reconnect to WiFi you must use the touchscreen Main Menu.

      Step 1 Open the Main Menu by using the L gesture.

      To make the L gesture: Place your finger on the top left corner of your screen. Keeping your finger on the screen, slide it down towards the bottom left corner. Then, slide your finger across to the bottom right corner. Now, lift your finger off the screen. Pocket will open the touchscreen menu and say: Showing Main Menu.

      Step 2 Use the slide & lift gesture to select Settings

      To make the slide & lift gesture: Place your finger on the screen, then keep your finger on the screen, slide it up, down, right or left. When you hear the option you want, lift your finger off the screen this confirms the selection.

      Step 3 Use the slide & lift gesture to select Configure WiFi

      Step 4 Use the slide & lift gesture to select the WiFi network name you want to connect to.

      Step 5 If the WiFi network is password protected use the slide & lift gesture to enter the password.

      Pocket will tell you if the connection was successful

    Reset your Pocket

    To reset your phone:

      Step 1 Hold down the Side button for about 25 seconds, then release it.

      Step 2 Turn ON your Pocket by holding down the Side button for 2 seconds, and releasing it.

      Wait for a minute or so to see if it starts up.

      Step 3 Press the Talk Button, wait for the tone. Then say: Hello or another command to check if RealSAM Pocket is working.

    If this does not work, then your battery may be out of battery. Connect your RealSAM Pocket to a charger, and charge it for at least 2 hours. Then unplug the device from the charger, and try turning it on again.

    Reboot your Pocket

    If you have tried all the previous steps and your Pocket is still not responding try a force reboot of your device.

      Step 1 Hold down both the Side button and the volume down button at the same time for 25 seconds, then release it.

      This should cause your device to reboot itself.

      Step 2 Wait for 1 to 5 minutes for Pocket to start up by itself.

    If your RealSAM Pocket has started up, you should now be able to Press the Talk button and start a conversation.

    Back to the start

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How do I keep my text messages private ?

    Connecting your Pocket to headphones is a great way to make sure you are the only person who can hear your text messages.

    How do I protect my passwords ?

    Connecting your Pocket to headphones is a great way to make sure you are the only person who can hear which keys you are selecting to enter your password when connecting to WiFi.

    How can I prevent accidentally Pressing the Talk button?

    The screen lock function is a handy function which can allow you to lock your device. When you lock your device you will be unable to press the talk button or use the touch screen. This is useful when putting your device in a pocket or a bag, or in other situations where the talk button may accidentally be pressed.

    To lock your device, hold down the side button on the side of your device for approximately 3 seconds, after which Pocket should tell you it is Locked. You will be unable to press the talk buttons or use the touch screen, but you will be able to change the volume using the volume button. To unlock your device, repeat the same process by holding down the lock button for a few seconds, your device should then tell you it is Unlocked, and you will now be able to use Pocket as normal.

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    Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions

    Privacy Policy

    For information on our Privacy Policy, please visit our privacy policy

    Contacting Us.

    If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy or our Services, you may contact us using the following information:

    0333 772 7708

    Terms and Conditions

    For information on our Terms and Conditions, please visit our Terms and Conditions

    Contacting Us.

    If there are any questions regarding these Terms and Conditions, or our Services, you may contact us using the following information:

    0333 772 7708

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